herQs Pin Pro – Dual Wireless Rechargeable Smart Meat Thermometer
With the herQs Pin Pro you get yourself a very easy to use meat thermometer that is completely wireless. The herQs Pin Probe can be connected to the herQs App which gives you all the insights you want when you are preparing your dish. Of course there are pre-set values in the app that allow you to indicate which piece of meat you are preparing and how you want it to be cooked. The herQs Pin Pro comes standard with 2 wireless probes which are stored at the back. They are also charged here. After use, wipe the wireless probes with a damp cloth and place them back at the back so that the probes recharge themselves and are ready for another preparation.
Everything can be read on the supplied device, but of course you can also connect your smartphone so that you can do something else without any worries, but still keep an eye on your dish with a slanted eye.

About the herQs Pin Pro – Dual Wireless Rechargeable Smart Meat Thermometer
Product features